SQUARE Summer School, 10. - 12.07.2019
The summer school will provide an introduction to quantum computing and quantum networks with a focus on implementations with optically adressable rare earth ion spins. To set the stage, the state of the art in established platforms, i.e. trapped ions and superconducting qubits, will be presented, and approaches and perspectives for implementations with individual rare earth ions will be discussed. An extended lab tour will provide hands on experience e.g. on nanocrystal spectroscopy and tunable microcavities. The summer school will bring together all participants of the SQUARE Quantum Flagship project as well as interested groups in the field of Rare Earth Ion quantum information.
Registration is open until 31.05.2018.
Participation is limited to 40 persons, notification for admission of external participants will be given until 10.6.2019.